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Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi) (6. sayfa)

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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi arygator12 -- 30 Mayıs 2012; 19:39:36 >
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    Orijinalden alıntı: Metalwrath

    Hitler geliyor

     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)
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    Orijinalden alıntı: TrMhMt

    Assagida orjinalinden alinti haber de kisaca 3 adet uzay gemisinin, bunlardan biri 240km genisliginde diger ikisinin daha kucuk oldugu ve Pluto'nun yorungesinin otesinde dunyaya dogru yol aldigi HAARD sistemi tarafindan tesbit edilmis. HAARD sistemi Alaskaya konuslandirilmis bir sistem ve kuzey isiklarinin arastirilmasi amaci ile kurulmus. Gemilerin Mars'a ulastiklarinda diger optik sistemler icinde gorunecek konuma gelecekleri belirtiliyor. Asil can alici bolumu gemilerin Aralik 2012'de dunyaya ulasacaklari.

    Evet millet ister inanir ister inanmazsiniz ama benden soylemesi geliyorlar ......

    Not: Haberin tamamini merak eden google translate kullansin.

    Hubble Uzay Teleskopundan alindigi soylenen goruntuler.

     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)
     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)
     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)

    Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012?

    UFO encounters became especially frequent in the middle of the 20th century, when it became impossible to disregard incidents of UFO sightings anymore. Special services started establishing special departments for air defense troops, secret laboratories were organized to study the phenomenon.

    It is not ruled out, that secret services have already had chances to study fragments of alien spaceships or even aliens themselves.

    It is about time science should say its word regarding the problem, and it did. SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization, released a sensational statement.

    Three giant spaceships are heading towards Earth. The largest one of them is 240 kilometers wide. Two others are smaller. At present, the objects are beyond the orbit of Pluto.

    The spaceships were detected by HAARD search system. The system, based in Alaska, was designed to study the phenomenon of northern lights. According to SETI researchers, the objects are nothing but extraterrestrial spaceships. They will be visible in optical telescopes as soon as they reach Mars's orbit. The US government has been reportedly informed about the event. The ships will reach Earth in December 2012.

    The date of the supposed space contact with extraterrestrial civilization brings up thoughts about the Mayan calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012. Is it just a coincidence? Most likely, though, SETI researchers mistake the wish for the reality: fifty years of constant monitoring of space have not yielded any results.

    Nevertheless, mankind only begins to explore space. We are just newcomers in this huge and unexplored world. Many believe that there are many other civilizations in space beside our own civilization.

    Rumor has it that the Americans classified a lot of information about findings on the Moon. In 1988, a prominent Chinese official, a member of the nation's space program, unveiled pictures of human footprints on the lunar surface.

    The official stated that he had received the information from a reliable source and accused the Americans of concealing that information. The photos were dated from August 3, 1969 - two weeks after Armstrong and Aldrin stepped onto the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969. Therefore, the materials of the lunar mission were studied and classified by NASA.

    On March 15, 2009, The New York Times produced another sensation. The same Chinese official, Mao Kan, stated that he had obtained over than 1,000 secret NASA photographs depicting not only human footprints, but even a human carcass on the surface of the Moon. Some of the bones in the carcass were missing, the official said. The human corpse must have been dropped on the Moon from an alien spaceship, whereas the extraterrestrials kept some tissue samples for research.

    The photos were taken by a lunar probe. The absence of air makes it possible to capture minute details from the lunar orbit. The pictures of the carcass were very clear.

    Dr. Ken Johnston, former Manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory, said that US astronauts had found and photographed ancient ruins of artificial origin on the Moon. Supposedly, US astronauts had seen large unknown mechanisms on the Moon. The data were classified by the US government.

    Is all of that just spam or it is fantastic truth? Will we ever know?

    Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012? - English pravda.ru


    Şimdi bu iki konuyu birbiri ile bağlantılı bulan bir tek ben mi varım...

    Hubble'dan çekilen fotolar ile görülen cisimin benzerliği çok fazla değil mi ?

    Ayrıca dikkat ettiniz mi, 2010'da yazılmış kaynaktaki haber.


  •  Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)

    Baltık Denizi'nin dibindeki UFO benzeri cisim heyecan yarattı.

    Geçen yıl başlatılan ancak ödenek nedeniyle yarım kalan bir araştırma için deniz dibine dalan İsveçli araştırmacılar, 4 metre yüksekliğinde ve 60 metre çapındaki cismi incelemeye aldı.

    Cismin önünde yer alan düzlüğün gizemi daha da artırdığı dile getirildi. İlginç cismin ne olduğuyla ilgili kesin bir açıklama yapılamazken araştırmacılar, 'Bölgede herhangi bir volkanik aktivite yok. Bu da durumu açıklamayı daha da güçleştiriyor' dedi.

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     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)

     Devasa Boyutlardaki 3 Adet UzayGemisi 2012'de Dunyaya Saldiracak.(SS eklendi)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Mr.3GG -- 18 Haziran 2012; 12:15:55 >

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    Orijinalden alıntı: l3ortacine16

    Özet olarak Eşe,dosta,bakkala,bankaya her yere borç takabilir miyiz?

    Sizi istilaya geliyoruz!!!

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