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  • İlginç buldum ve paylaşmak istedim.

     Ağırlıksız ortamda alev

    Alev hakkında herşeyi bildiğimizi düşünürdük.
    Ama uluslararası uzay istasyonunda (ISS) yapılan bir deney,
    hala öğreneceklerimiz olduğunu gösteriyor.
    Kaynak : http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/18jun_strangeflames/

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    yine kaynaktaki video-linki :

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ISIS

    İlginç buldum ve paylaşmak istedim.

     Ağırlıksız ortamda alev

    Alev hakkında herşeyi bildiğimizi düşünürdük.
    Ama uluslararası uzay istasyonunda (ISS) yapılan bir deney,
    hala öğreneceklerimiz olduğunu gösteriyor.
    Kaynak : http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/18jun_strangeflames/

    Kaynağa bakmak istemeyenler için
    yine kaynaktaki video-linki :

    sonuç ? videodan pek bir şey anlamadım nasıl bir sonuca ulaşılmış.

  • (...)
    Recently, Williams and colleagues were doing an ISS experiment called "FLEX" to learn how to put out fires in microgravity
    when they came across something odd. Small droplets of heptane were burning inside the FLEX combustion chamber.
    As planned, the flames went out, but unexpectedly the droplets of fuel continued burning.

    "That's right—they seemed to be burning without flames," says Williams. "At first we didn't believe it ourselves."

    In fact, Williams believes the flames are there, just too faint to see. "These are cool flames," he explains.

    Ordinary, visible fire burns at a high temperature between 1500K and 2000K.
    Heptane flame balls on the ISS started out in this "hot fire" regime.
    But as the flame balls cooled and began to go out, a different kind of burning took over.

    "Cool flames burn at the relatively low temperature of 500K to 800K," says Williams.
    "And their chemistry is completely different.
    Normal flames produce soot, CO2 and water. Cool flames produce carbon monoxide and formaldehyde."

    Similar cool flames have been produced on Earth, but they flicker out almost immediately.
    On the ISS, however, cool flames can burn for long minutes.

    "There are practical implications of these results," notes Williams. "For instance, they could lead to cleaner auto ignitions."

    Yanma alev olmadan gerçekleşiyor,
    daha soğuk bir yanma,
    kimyası tamamen farklı.

  • gne
    yazıdan anladığım kadarıyla :

    ..."And their chemistry is completely different.
    Normal flames produce soot, CO2 and water. Cool flames produce carbon monoxide and formaldehyde." ...

    Normal yanma is, karbondioksit ve su üretir,
    soğuk alevler ise karbonmonoksit ve formalhidrat üretiyor
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