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Daha Fazla
  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
11 oy
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  • Okey taşlarının sesleri çay kaşığı seslerine karisiyor, 37 ekran tv'de halis karatas'i takip eden ganyanci dayilarin dillerinde yuva yapmis gun yuzu gormemis galiz kufurler Pötürgeliler kultur ve dayanisma derneginde yankilaniyordu.

    22 yasimin son demlerinde universiteyi bitirme arifesindeyken staj is vs. kovalamam gerekirken mahallenin 50 yas ustu emekli dayilari ve ortaokul terk gencleri arasinda vakit olduruyordum. Insaat bolumu beni sarmamisti benim de fazla okumaya niyetim yoktu acikcasi. Ilk seneki derslerin yarisini ikinci sene alttan aldim. Ikinci senekileri de 3.sene alttan aliyim derken hala 3.sinif derslerini verememistim benle beraber baslayan arkadaslarim mezun olurken.

    Okula sinavdan sinava ugruyor bir cok sinavda sorularin aynisini tekrar yazip cikiyordum. Hemen her gun okula diye cikip bu kahvede kah bataga kah okeye bazen de pokere oturuyordum. O gun de birbirinin kopyasi olan gunlerden biri gibiydi esasinda. Mahalleden arkadaslarla bataga oturmustuk.

    Caylar oluk oluk akiyor, Kahveci Fadil ve bedavadan biraz daha fazla paraya calistirdigi sabi cay yetistirmekte zorlaniyordu. 3.el 4.el derken derli toplu bir el gelmiyor her turda guc bela 1er 2ser sayi toparliyordum fakat bu gidisle caylar bana kalicak gibiydi. Bir iki el daha bu durum boyle devam etti. Artik bir seyler yapmanin vaktinin geldigini vehatta gectigini sezebiliyordum.

    7.elde sinek as kiz ve papaz bendeydi. yandan da sinek 2 ve 4 vardi. Ramiz dayi misali soyle bi arkama yaslandim. Bu el artik rustumuzu ispat etme vaktiydi. Konusmaya sagdan baslandi. Pas 5 6 derken sira bana geldi. Muhendis vasfimi kullanmamin tam zamaniydi. Hizla hesaba giristim 3er koz cektigimde egerki birinde 3ten fazla sinek yoksa 5 cepteydi. Kupa asi da bendeydi etti 6. Ama 7 kolay kolay cikmayacak gibiydi.

    Simdi degilse ne zaman diyerek 7 diye cikistim. Karsimdaki lavuk enayi cayi diyerek bir kahkaha patlatti ve akabinde hopurdeterek bir firt cekiverdi icine.

    Kozu soyleyip actim 3 karti arka arkaya. 3-3-2 seklinde koz alabilsem mukemmel olucakti fakat oyle olmadi karisdaki lavukta sinek 6 kaldi. Benim kozlardan biri ezme ihtimali hic iyi olmamisti. Aksi gibi tam da oyle oldu 7'yi tutturamadik. 2.dunya cikisi almanyasi gibi oldum kulaklarim kizardi. Yenilgiyi hazmetmekte zorluk cekiyordum. Hele ki soldaki lavuk Fadil abi bi soda diye bagirinca insicamimi yitirdim. o soda sisesiyle bebeye kolonoskopi yapma iştiyakı dayanilmaz boyutlara ulasti.

    Fakat icimde kopan tum bu firtinalara ragmen magrur bir gulumsemeyle yetindim. Ama bu siniri de bir yerden atmam gerekiyordu. Elinde tepsiyle yaklasan fadil abiyi gorunce bir anda kontrolsuz sekilde cirkeflestim.

    Masaya sodayi birakmak icin yaklastiginda Fadil abi dedim bir daha caylari icinde kasik varken doldurma dedim. Af buyur demekle yetindi. Esasinda iyi anlamisti demek istedigimi salaga yatmaya calismasi da ofkemi katmerledi. Metelige kursun attigim gunlerde kitlenen yaklasik 100tl'lik hesabin yarattigi aci ve sokun da etkisiyle ayaga firladim.

    Bundan boyle bu caylari normal doldurucaksin kasigi da yaninda getireceksin namussuz herif. O kasigin yerine de cay koyucaksin diye cikistim. Bir rivayete gore bir daha kasigi bardagin icinde getirdigi gorursem bardaklari gtune sokarim diye de haykirmisim. Ama o kisimi hatirlamiyorum nedense.

    Benim hatirladigim kisimda en son ne diyorsun ula gundi diyerek istakalara davranip kahvenin demirbaslariyla beni yaka paca kapi disari etmeleriydi. Kasimda acilma, dudagimda yarilma kolumda morarma gibi cesitli bulgular vardi ayilip eve vardigimda. Namussuzlar basima basima vurmustu.

    Halbuki soyledigimde hakliydim. Kahvedekilerin de bana katilip bir dip dalgasi yaratmamiz gerekiyordu. Ne yapicagimi dusunmeye basladim. Fadil denen gobelin yanina bunu birakmak bana yakismazdi. para,genclik,itibar hepsi kaybolmustu fakat geriye kalan onurumu da kaybetmek agir olurdu.

    Dun kargasadan mutevellit hesabi odemeden cikmistim. Her sey olurdu ama johan paranin uzerine yatti dedirtmek olmazdi. Ihtiyat akcesi misali sakladigim zuladan bir 100luk cekip aldim ve kahvenin yolunu tuttum. Fadil gobeli oradaydi aynen devam ediyordu tutturdugu yoldan. Girdim iceri selamun aleykum diyerek. Kafasini kaldirmadan aleykumselam diyen dayi kamarasi disinda kimseden ses cikmadi.

    Fadil'a dogru ilerledim. Fadil abi dedim gencligime ver kusura bakma dun de hesabi unuttuk uzerimde kalmasin diyerek cebimden cikardigim yuzlugu acik gomleginin icine dogru yerlestirdim. Once birkac saniye uyanamadi donakaldi. Daha sonra lehce degistirip hsktr ordan pustinogli minvalinde kufurlerle beni kovalamaya basladi.

    Kosarak ordan uzaklastim. Benzinin bembeyaz hali allah affetsin cok hosuma gitmisti ama yetmedi icim sogumadi. Hem dayak yiyip hem de ne olursa olsun 100tl kaybetmistim. Hammurabi misali dise dis kana kan gerekliydi. Eve gittim cerrahpasa kahve baskini videosunu done done izlemeye basladim. Ama kendim yapabilecegim bir sey degildi bu daha farkli bir fikir gerekti.

    Yolunu unutmaya basladigim okulum aklima geldi. Atladim otobuse ve dtcf'nin yolunu tuttum. Tam tahmin ettigim gibi kantinde 15-20 kisilik bir grupla cay icen ekip tam kadro ordaydi. Beyler dedim selamun aleykum ocaktan abilere bi sey danismam gerekiyo bi goturuverin beni be dedim. Once yabanci oldugum icin bana bi bozuk baktilar ama hemen yanimdaki arkadasin kafasinin arkasini hafif elleyip 755 Aşkabat dememin ardindan grubun bana olan saygisi katmerlendi bir anda populer hale geldim.

    Kardes dediler biz de birazdan gecicez ocaga gel sen de dediler. Oo dedim super. Neyse gittik ocaga caylar dagitildi gundem uzerine birkac hasbihal derken reis cayindan ufak yudum alirken sozu aldim.

    Reis dedim bizim mahallede kahvede soyle soyle faaliyetler yapiyolar vallahi kanima dokunuyor ama cok kalabaliklar bunlara bir had bildirmek lazim.

    Reis icin yavru kurtlar uzerindeki otoriteyi pekistirme firsatiydi. Hemen atildi. Nerde kardesim dedi boyle boyle adresi verdim.

    Aradan bir iki gun gecmedi ki bir gurultuyle uyandim camdan hemen disari baktim. 20 kisiye yakin bir grup kahveyi tarumar ediyor fadil gobelini araya almis tokatliyorlardi. Zafer kazanmis komutan edasiyla yuzumu yikamaya dogru lavabonun yolunu tuttum...

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  • The sounds of okey stones mixed with the sounds of teaspoons, and the unseen galiz kufurs who had made a nest in the tongues of the ganyanist uncles who followed the pure karataş on 37-screen TV were echoing in the Pötürgeliler culture and solidarity association. In the last days of my 22 years, when I was on the eve of graduating from university, I got an internship job etc. While I should have been chasing, I was wasting time among the neighborhood's retired uncles over 50 and the young people who dropped out of secondary school. The construction section did not surround me, and frankly, I did not intend to read much. I took half of the courses in the first year from the bottom in the second year. While I was trying to buy the second year from the bottom in the 3rd year, I still couldn't give the 3rd grade lessons while my friends who started with me were graduating. I was going to school from exam to exam, and in many exams, I was writing the same questions again and leaving. I used to go to school almost every day and sit in this cafe, either in the swamp or in the poker. In fact, that day was like one of those days that were copies of each other. We sat on the swamp with friends from the neighborhood. Teas were pouring in, Kahveci Fadil, and the sabi, which he worked for a little more than free, had difficulty growing tea. When I say 3rd hand and 4th hand, I don't have a tidy hand, I was barely collecting 2 points in each round, but it seemed like the teas would stay with me at this rate. This situation continued for a few more hands. Now I could sense that the time to do something had come and even passed. In the 7th hand, I had the fly ace and the king. on the other hand were flies 2 and 4. Like Uncle Ramiz, I just sat back. This hand is now time to prove our rust. The conversation started from the right. When the pass was 5 6, it was my turn. It was time for me to use my engineer qualifications. I quickly entered the account. When I drew 3 trump cards, if there was no more than 3 flies in one of them, 5 were in the pocket. I had the trophy, too. 6. But the 7 didn't seem to come out easily. If not now, I said when and went out at 7. The veck in front of me burst out laughing by saying it's a sucker tea, and then he took a whirlwind into himself. I peeled and dealt 3 cards in a row. If I could get 3-3-2 trump, it would be perfect, but it wasn't like that. The odds of crushing one of my trumps were not good at all. On the contrary, it was exactly like that, we couldn't catch 7. I was like the 2nd world exit germany, my ears were red. I was having trouble absorbing defeat. Especially when the veck on the left, Fadil brother, yelled for a glass of soda, I lost my consistency. The desire to perform a colonoscopy on the baby with that soda bottle has reached unbearable proportions. But despite all these storms that broke inside me, I was content with a proud smile. But I had to get rid of this anger from somewhere. When I saw the fadil brother approaching with the tray in his hand, I was suddenly uncontrollable. When he approached to leave the soda on the table, I said brother Fadil, I said don't fill the tea with a spoon in it again. He just said sorry. Actually, what I meant to say, he understood well, that he tried to lie to the idiot made my anger double.
  • Hocam ben bunu ayılınca okuyacam

  • The sounds of okey stones mixed with the sounds of teaspoons, and the unseen galiz kufurs who had made a nest in the tongues of the ganyanist uncles who followed the pure karataş on 37-screen TV were echoing in the Pötürgeliler culture and solidarity association. In the last days of my 22 years, when I was on the eve of graduating from university, I got an internship job etc. While I should have been chasing, I was wasting time among the neighborhood's retired uncles over 50 and the young people who dropped out of secondary school. The construction section did not surround me, and frankly, I did not intend to read much. I took half of the courses in the first year from the bottom in the second year. While I was trying to buy the second year from the bottom in the 3rd year, I still couldn't give the 3rd grade lessons while my friends who started with me were graduating. I was going to school from exam to exam, and in many exams, I was writing the same questions again and leaving. I used to go to school almost every day and sit in this cafe, either in the swamp or in the poker. In fact, that day was like one of those days that were copies of each other. We sat on the swamp with friends from the neighborhood. Teas were pouring in, Kahveci Fadil, and the sabi, which he worked for a little more than free, had difficulty growing tea. When I say 3rd hand and 4th hand, I don't have a tidy hand, I was barely collecting 2 points in each round, but it seemed like the teas would stay with me at this rate. This situation continued for a few more hands. Now I could sense that the time to do something had come and even passed. In the 7th hand, I had the fly ace and the king. on the other hand were flies 2 and 4. Like Uncle Ramiz, I just sat back. This hand is now time to prove our rust. The conversation started from the right. When the pass was 5 6, it was my turn. It was time for me to use my engineer qualifications. I quickly entered the account. When I drew 3 trump cards, if there was no more than 3 flies in one of them, 5 were in the pocket. I had the trophy, too. 6. But the 7 didn't seem to come out easily. If not now, I said when and went out at 7. The veck in front of me burst out laughing by saying it's a sucker tea, and then he took a whirlwind into himself. I peeled and dealt 3 cards in a row. If I could get 3-3-2 trump, it would be perfect, but it wasn't like that. The odds of crushing one of my trumps were not good at all. On the contrary, it was exactly like that, we couldn't catch 7. I was like the 2nd world exit germany, my ears were red. I was having trouble absorbing defeat. Especially when the veck on the left, Fadil brother, yelled for a glass of soda, I lost my consistency. The desire to perform a colonoscopy on the baby with that soda bottle has reached unbearable proportions. But despite all these storms that broke inside me, I was content with a proud smile. But I had to get rid of this anger from somewhere. When I saw the fadil brother approaching with the tray in his hand, I was suddenly uncontrollable. When he approached to leave the soda on the table, I said brother Fadil, I said don't fill the tea with a spoon in it again. He just said sorry. Actually, what I meant to say, he understood well, that he tried to lie to the idiot made my anger double.

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  • Çok keyifli la hafız bunun part2 gelsin yüzünü yıkadıktan sonra fadıl gobelinin durumunu fln yaz işte

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    Ceviri 11.cumleye kadar fena degildi translate mi yaptin yoksa issiz gibi yazdin mi

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  • Sürükleyici ve güzel. Baştan sona merakla okudum. Betimlemeler ve örnekler çok güzel. Yalnız en büyük sıkıntı her zaman şudur. Bak en önemli noktayı söylüyorum. Okuyucuya, seyirciye duyguyu geçirebilmek. Olayda fadıl ın bir suçu yok ve cebinde para yokken masaya oturmuşsun. Üstüne cirkeflik yapmışsın. Okuyucu Fadıl saflarında kalıyor. Bu da duyguyu öldürüyor. Yaptığın kurguda Kemal Sunal ın Şaban tiplemesi gibi olsaydı efsane olabilirdi ya da sonu banker bilodaki şener şen gibi olsaydı olabilirdi. Gidişat güzel ama duygu sıfır.

    Olayda ana etmen yok. Yani sana büyük bir haksızlık yapsaydı, bunu intikam hikayesi gibi anlatabilirdin, okuyucu da arkana alırdın. Dediğim gibi çok sürükleyici, anlatım çok güzel ama olay örgüsü zincirlerin kırılmasına sebep oluyor. Duygu olmayınca da sarmıyor.

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  • اختلطت أصوات أحجار الأوكي بأصوات الملاعق الصغيرة، وفي ألسنة أعمام غانيانسي الذين تابعوا هاليس كاراتاس على شاشة تلفزيون 37، تردد صدى صوت البنادق المتداخلة يوزو غورميس غاليز كوفور في جمعية الثقافة والتضامن في بوتورجلي.

    عندما كنت عشية الانتهاء من الجامعة في السنوات الأخيرة من سنتي ال 22 ، كنت أقضي وقتا بين أعمامي المتقاعدين البالغين من العمر 50 عاما والشباب المتسربين من المدرسة المتوسطة في الحي عندما اضطررت إلى مطاردة التدريب الداخلي وما إلى ذلك. لم تلتف منطقة البناء حولي ، ولم يكن لدي أي نية لقراءة الكثير.

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