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Java söz dizimi hk.

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  • Merhaba uzun süredir c# geliştirme yapıyorum.
    Java öğrenmeye başladım,java ve c# söz dizimi tahmin ettiğimden de fazla benziyor...Yoksa benim atladığım kaçırdığım bir şey mi var??

    Bu işte bir terslik varmış gibi hissediyorum.

  • Oracle hepimizi duduklemeye calisiyor. buyuk resmi gormussun.

    saka bir yana evet syntax benziyor. neden bir art niyet ariyorsun anlamadim.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Guest-E41040413 -- 23 Temmuz 2020; 1:0:48 >
  • Normaldir, C# javanın Microsoft çakmasıdır.


    James Gosling, who created the Java programming language in 1994, and Bill Joy, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, the originator of Java, called C# an "imitation" of Java; Gosling further said that "[C# is] sort of Java with reliability, productivity and security deleted."[23][24] Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer (authors of a C++ streams book) stated in a blog post that "Java and C# are almost identical programming languages. Boring repetition that lacks innovation,"[25] "Hardly anybody will claim that Java or C# are revolutionary programming languages that changed the way we write programs," and "C# borrowed a lot from Java - and vice versa. Now that C# supports boxing and unboxing, we'll have a very similar feature in Java."[26] In July 2000, Hejlsberg said that C# is "not a Java clone" and is "much closer to C++" in its design.[27]

    Since the release of C# 2.0 in November 2005, the C# and Java languages have evolved on increasingly divergent trajectories, becoming two quite different languages. One of the first major departures came with the addition of generics to both languages, with vastly different implementations. C# makes use of reification to provide "first-class" generic objects that can be used like any other class, with code generation performed at class-load time.[28] Furthermore, C# has added several major features to accommodate functional-style programming, culminating in the LINQ extensions released with C# 3.0 and its supporting framework of lambda expressions, extension methods, and anonymous types.[29] These features enable C# programmers to use functional programming techniques, such as closures, when it is advantageous to their application. The LINQ extensions and the functional imports help developers reduce the amount of boilerplate code that is included in common tasks like querying a database, parsing an xml file, or searching through a data structure, shifting the emphasis onto the actual program logic to help improve readability and maintainability.[30]

    C# used to have a mascot called Andy (named after Anders Hejlsberg). It was retired on January 29, 2004.[31]

    C# was originally submitted to the ISO subcommittee JTC 1/SC 22 for review,[32] under ISO/IEC 23270:2003,[33] was withdrawn and was then approved under ISO/IEC 23270:2006.[34]

  • Çoğu dil benziyor, mümkün olduğunda syntaxların birbirine benzemesi zaten mantıklı olan, yazılımcılar niye baştan öğrensin ki her şeyi, bu şekilde birkaç googlelama ile diller arası geçiş yapılabiliyor.
  • Terslikten kastım yanlış dili mi öğreniyorum yoksa c# sınıfında mı çalışıyorum :) :)
  • Evet bunu duymuştum

    Bu sandığımdan da iyiymiş.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi emin2074 -- 26 Temmuz 2020; 14:53:46 >
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